Friday, November 7, 2008

My Tea is Orange

I am stuck drinking Tetley tea, and I think I may be sick because of it. I was looking through the awesome tea collection we have here at work (mostly due to my influence) and barely any of our teas are ok for me to drink while pregnant, because they're all full of funky herbs. Do you know how many flavoured teas have rasberry leaf in them? YIKES. Or Sassafras, or Aloe Vera? Most of my favourite teas are off limits. I've been stuck with basic blacks, and don't get me wrong, i love my darjeeling. Especially my makaibari, that's my favourite tea ever. But still, a girl likes a little variety! And at work I've run out of darjeeling unexpectedly, so I have to drink this stupid tetley. It's got an awful colour to it, it's all orange and dark.. nasty.
Seriously though. I haven't been able to eat yet today because I've been throwing up so hardcore. It's awful. I am having a terrible morning.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Last one today, I promise

So I was just amusing myself until my work day drags to an end when I read a bumper sticker on facebook that says:

"Because of Edward Cullen I'm staying single until I find a vampire"

All I can really say to this is.. Thank The FSM. Now you won't reproduce, you stupid, stupid hobag. You know what a hobag is? A bag full of stupid hos.

Holy Goodness! Yet another!

See, I figured I'd be back after reading the news and goofing off at work a little longer.
I finally managed to convince people that I had my own work to do.. so now it's done and I have no more assignments. Very well played, if I do say so myself.
Apparently, there's a call in the medical community for doctors to be examined every ten years with a 'rigorous exam'. That makes sense to me.
By the time my family doctor retired (only 4 months ago) he couldn't remember my name, marital status, previous medical history or allergies. I literally went in for follow up appointments and had to explain the entire problem over again, AFTER he treated me.
That's not to say that most doctors aren't competent. I'm sure they are. I have just been deeply dissatisfied with our medical system. I've had crappy doctors, crappy nurses and crappy hospital volunteers give me the stink eye in the past. I even had a nurse ask me (while I was having a miscarriage) if I had ever heard of birth control.
But I digress. The point of this is should doctors be forced to take an exam every ten years to prove themselves worthy of the title of Doctor. In my opinion, yes they should.
The argument has been made that doctors are too busy to prepare for an examination every ten years, that the studying would take up too much of their valuable time. To which I say: Why do they need to study? Wouldn't this exam be knowledge that they must KNOW instead of knowledge they've crammed into their head just long enough to write about it? I don't believe in studying in the sense that you're trying to learn everything over again. Either you know it, or you don't. If you don't, you shouldn't be a doctor. You should be in a profession where you have the luxury of time to go look something up. Like a mechanic. That's sort of like being a doctor, except you know, without endangering the lives of innocent people who trust their doctor for the pure reason that he(or she) is a doctor!
That's my take on that. Tune in later for a rant about education.

Holy Goodness! A First Post!

Ok, here we go. It's taken me a while to write this for the plain and simple reason that I've been swamped with crap at work.
And I mean crap. I get assignments from everybody, and no one really seems to realize that they aren't the only one giving me stuff to do. So i get fiddly little bits of garbage to work on while I'm trying to accomplish my real job in the background. Piss me right off, why don't you?
Raaawr! That is the Sarah noise of discontent.
But anyways, for serious.
Holy mother of the FSM. A black man has become president. Well, president-elect, which unless some crazy scandal occurs or he gets shot (hate to say it, but it's not unlikely), he will be president.
How freaking awesome is that? I know a lot of people, here in the Canada's, that are like, who cares? It's the Americans election, what does it matter to me?
I dunno, maybe the fact that Canada is basically the United States pretty hat? The idea that what they, as arguably the worlds strongest, most influential country could have some influence over our mentally handicapped Prime Minister? Did anyone realize that with Bush as president, Harper did this funny thing where he put his forehead on the floor and said yes sir as often as possible? Perhaps then, we should be more concerned with what happens in the country that neighbours us along two sides of our country (ALASKA for those of you going 'two?').
Seriously, I had plans to immigrate to Ireland if Mccain won. The man is 72, for heavens sake. Chances are good that he'd die in office and we'd have the Poster Child of Alabama Rednecks running the U.S. How terrifying of an idea is that? It frightens me, at least.
Why Ireland, you ask?
Hot Irish boys with hot Irish accents. Obviously.
That's my RAAWR for today. Well, for this morning at least. I'm about to go read the news, so god knows what I'll come up with.