Thursday, November 6, 2008

Holy Goodness! Yet another!

See, I figured I'd be back after reading the news and goofing off at work a little longer.
I finally managed to convince people that I had my own work to do.. so now it's done and I have no more assignments. Very well played, if I do say so myself.
Apparently, there's a call in the medical community for doctors to be examined every ten years with a 'rigorous exam'. That makes sense to me.
By the time my family doctor retired (only 4 months ago) he couldn't remember my name, marital status, previous medical history or allergies. I literally went in for follow up appointments and had to explain the entire problem over again, AFTER he treated me.
That's not to say that most doctors aren't competent. I'm sure they are. I have just been deeply dissatisfied with our medical system. I've had crappy doctors, crappy nurses and crappy hospital volunteers give me the stink eye in the past. I even had a nurse ask me (while I was having a miscarriage) if I had ever heard of birth control.
But I digress. The point of this is should doctors be forced to take an exam every ten years to prove themselves worthy of the title of Doctor. In my opinion, yes they should.
The argument has been made that doctors are too busy to prepare for an examination every ten years, that the studying would take up too much of their valuable time. To which I say: Why do they need to study? Wouldn't this exam be knowledge that they must KNOW instead of knowledge they've crammed into their head just long enough to write about it? I don't believe in studying in the sense that you're trying to learn everything over again. Either you know it, or you don't. If you don't, you shouldn't be a doctor. You should be in a profession where you have the luxury of time to go look something up. Like a mechanic. That's sort of like being a doctor, except you know, without endangering the lives of innocent people who trust their doctor for the pure reason that he(or she) is a doctor!
That's my take on that. Tune in later for a rant about education.

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