Friday, December 5, 2008

Stop Calling This A Coup!

A coalition between the Liberals, the NDP and the Bloc is most certainly NOT a coup.
If someone were to walk into parliament, shoot steven harper in the face, take control of ALL communications within Canada and proclaim himself (or herself) to be the supreme ruler of Canada, now THAT you could call a coup.
This is merely the largest group of house seats telling Steven Harper that they will not do as he says. They are combining their power (and therefore the votes they received) to become the head of government. This measure is a safeguard built into Canada's constitution, to ensure that we don't have an ineffective minority government in a time of crisis. Because I can (and will) give you a quick rundown on how the government would run itself into the ground over the next few years without a change of government.

Conservatives: OK so here's what we're gonna do.
Conservatives: Ummm.. ok well maybe this then.
Liberals: NO
Bloc: NO
Conservatives *take it up the ass*

Wow look at that. Nothing is accomplished because there is no one party in control and Harper and Dion are too stubborn to make concessions, and none of the other parties are large enough to make a difference on their own.
This is what parliament would look like after this coalition took over:

Coalition: Here's what we're doing.
Conservatives: NO
Coalition: Shame you're only a quarter of the votes here, eh? Pass that bill.

Now, this is what you could call a 'loose interpretation'. It gets my point across though, doesn't it?
This has happened before, so I don't want to hear words like 'unprecedented' and it's in our constitution, so I don't want to hear words like 'illegal'.

I've also heard a lot of "Well then our vote doesn't count!!!" Yes, yes it does.
You see, only enough people voted for Harper to give him a minority government. Harper won I believe 37% of the vote. That means that 63% of Canada looked at their ballots and checked boxes that said either Liberal, NDP, Bloc or Green. Therefore, votes do count. They can only form this coalition because they are agreeing to work together and combine their votes (which amount to their house seats, which amount to the number of votes they get in the house) to work towards an effective government.

I'm moving on now, to the bailout of the Auto industry.
This is perhaps slightly biased because I depend on this industry for my paycheque. You'll get over it.

Why are people complaining about the government considering bailing out Automakers? In case nobody here in Ontario has noticed, that's A LOT of our provinces income, which is already steadily declining. If they bankrupt, so do the majority of their employees. Quite a few people who work in plants making cars got their jobs straight out of the high school. What else are they going to do? They can't run a computer the way a 20 year old can. They can go be a greeter at walmart, or serve fast food, sure, but really, how much of a pay cut is that? That's not enough to cover their families, their homes, or their lives. It's not just a matter of saving some bigwigs who make money off you buying a new car. It's a matter of saving the people who, like you, had no say in the companies financial policies and who didn't expect a recession to hit so hard, so suddenly. There's no reason to punish the innocent workers because of matters they had no control over.

That's my rant. I'm sick of unintelligent, uneducated people who think they know what politics are.


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